All Yours is an application prototype which uses an innovative technology developed by team ASAP of INRIA (the National French Institute for Information Research).
What is "All Yours"? It's an app, similar to Twitter, but simpler and based on anonymity. Every user can post news items, like links to articles, comments etc, and sees what other people are posting. Users do not search for information but they are notified of new items as they appear. Unlike in Twitter, All Yours users do not need to specify from whom they wish to receive information, or the topics they are interested in. All Yours will automatically learn the preferences of users in a completely transparent manner. In addition, it does this while protecting the privacy of its users.
People participating in this project are asked to test the app on their computer and/or on their Android smartphone/ tablet.
Participants are asked to use the app on a daily basis if possible. Occasionally, they will also be asked to take surveys or participate in creative workshops.

project owner: INRIA
objective: testing the technology upon which All Yours is built
what: testing the application (desktop and/or mobile version) and give feedback to improve it​
target: people living in Trentino,​​​ who own an Android smartphone or tablet​​, interested in emerging technologies in ICT
when: from July to December 2013
Participants who will involve their friends in this project may get € 30 gift cards.
More info on All Yours:
The All Yours application technology is based on semantic analysis algorithms and machine learning applied to informative contents collected by an anonymous peer community (peer 2 peer). This kind of technology allows automatic sharing of contents among people with similar tastes and needs, even if they do not know each other.
The adaptation of this technology to All Yours application, and its testing in Trento, is funded by EIT ICT Labs (European Institute of Technology) of which Trento RISE and INRIA are core partners. The project lasts one year (2013): the experimentation has the objective of collecting a big amount of data to test the technology used and understanding and improving the utility and usability from the users’ point of view.